Welcome October!
There are so many cool things happening in October along with much needed awareness.
Can I share some important dates and things happening during the month (and you know that I am going to share some valuable resources along with... so let's get to it)
International Day of the Girl- October 11th, 2021

On October 11, the International Day of the Girl seeks to bring awareness and solutions to the unique challenges that girls around the world face every day.
From the moment a child is born, she can grow up to be a scientist, author, business leader, mother, teacher or anything she may choose to be. Providing her with healthy options, education, and resources to make her own choices means removing some of the obstacles she faces.
Depending on where she lives, a young girl’s challenges will vary and how we approach addressing those issues will change. During International Day of the Girl, join the global call to action. Create real solutions; listen to the aspiration of young women; mentor someone who will someday overcome the challenges she faces.
(Source: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/)
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is upon us, and everyone is preparing for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is a reminder that there is a gruesome disease that is out to get second base. These sweet, pink pastels are there to nudge us, saying “hey, don’t forget to examine your breasts, get your doctor to check them out too, and schedule your mammogram.” After all, about 1 in 8 U.S. women, and 1 in 1000 U.S. men will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetime, and being proactive in this fight is crucial.
(Source: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/ )
We will be in Nevada this month hosting a workshop for our non profit Abundantly Authentic in support of Breast Cancer awareness (we will be collaborating with another awesome organization called Inspiring Trees of Hope . There is still time to register (click on the image to register)
National Bullying Prevention Month
Research shows that bullying often leaves lasting negative effects on those who deal with it. These effects include chronic depression, increased risk of suicidal thoughts, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, poor general health, self-harm, substance abuse, and difficulty establishing trusting, reciprocal friendships and relationships. By speaking out, spreading kindness, and finding your other roles in bullying prevention, you are making school settings, workplaces, and other environments safer and happier places. We must send a message that bullying will not be tolerated in our communities, and now is the perfect time to start. (Source: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-bullying-prevention-month-october/ )
Here are 2 resources that we have to support our girls and boys in the efforts to stop bullying.
*XTATIC Books has an awesome book in their Brooks and Brax Series that offers an entertaining way for our kids to learn how to combat against bullying. The cool thing about this is that it's written by a dad who has sons of his own, so know how important it is for our kids to speak up for themselves. (You can grab yours at http://www.xtaticbooks.com/)
DaliTalks- Dali Rivera is an Anti-Bullying & Diversity educator and the creator of the Diversity & Anti-Bullying Academy (#DABA). Through DABA, she helps parents and educators learn how and what to teach children to prevent bullying and stop bullying through interactive workshops, books, workbooks, webinars, and live online classes.
(You can check her out here: https://www.dalitalks.com/pages/about-us)
I hope that all of this information is valuable to you, please let us know if you need any more resources, that is what we are here for.
Happy Octobering!